Abstracts Submission

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Call for Abstracts  (CLOSED)

The abstract must address scientific questions, detailed observations, or primary scientific data. To submit your abstract the presenting author should be previously registered at the VI ISVS. Abstracts will be evaluated and scored solely on their scientific merits.
Incomplete abstracts will not be reviewed. Abstracts submitted with no Word processing files will not be considered. Notification regarding acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be sent to the first author by email.

Abstracts submission will open on March 23 and close on April 24, 2021.

The deadline for abstracts submission was previously April 16, and now has been extended through April 24! Don’t miss the chance!


The first author is responsible for presenting the abstract.


Guidelines for authors

  1. Abstracts must have: Introduction, methodology, results, and conclusion. Maximum of four (04) authors.
  2. Abstracts must have no more than 1,500 characters (including spaces);
  3. Language: English;
  4. Abstracts should be written in clear and concise English, so that reviewers are able to focus solely on the scientific merits of the submission. We encourage non-English-speaking authors to have their abstracts checked for grammar and spelling prior to submission;
  5. The abstract should be submitted in the Google form.
  6. Abstract should not have figures, tables nor references.


The approved abstracts will be presented as infographics in a previously recorded video.

The videos (from accepted abstracts) will be uploaded on the PPGCV YouTube channel from June 07 to 11, 2021. Attendees will be encouraged to make their questions through comments on YouTube. Each author should check it frequently to answer the questions. Approved abstracts will be announced on May 10th 2021.


Recorded videos / infographics shall be sent to the email isvs.sincvet@gmail.com via wetransfer.com. Please include the following sentence as a message: “Video – Name and surname of the first author”.


All accepted abstracts will be organized in the e-book format and sent via e-mail.


The graphic material shall follow the format:


  • Infographic

16: 9 format or its derivatives, it is suggested 1280×720 (720p) or 1920×1080 (1080p). They must contain explanatory and visually attractive art, with little text and many images.


  • Video

Mandatory .MP4 or .MOV formats, with five (05) minutes maximum. It is suggested using Loom® or OBS. These programs will allow authors to record videos projecting their infographic and include their webcam images. If you feel uncomfortable displaying your image, you can record only your voice.